Sunday, November 19, 2006

Going a'baja

Brent says: I went down to Tijuana today with a church group from our sister church, Harbor Prez... We joined a church called Dios con Nosotros for Sunday morning worship.

2006-11-19 TJ Dios con Nosotoros (1)

This ministry is more about relationships than remodeling. We are trying to make more frequent visits to share meals and fellowship with a church in TJ, rather than just going down to do projects all the time. Makes for a different kind of dynamic, with Spanish language much more important. My Spanish is regrettably rusty, but it is amazing how much comes back with just a little bit of immersion.

2006-11-19 TJ Dios con Nosotoros (5)

These trips are really important; it's a good reminder that we are all God's children. So much of the rhetoric about immigration is so hateful! I think a good cross-cultural Sunday picnic or two should be highly encouraged for all.

But now... the Chargers are playing on TV... Gotta run! Go Chargers!!!


Anonymous said...

That sounds very cool. I hope increased fellowship time will result with increased fellowship.

Anonymous said...

This is great and all, but when are you going to post about the subcutaneous fat?!? :) No doubt coming soon, for all of you who are interested...