Saturday, August 05, 2006

A year ago tomorrow

Tomorrow is August 6th, 2006. Kat and I are flying to Tucson, AZ to see our dear friend Terri, who recently moved there.

2006-06-25 Terris house (4)

We will be in Tucson for about 24 hours. Yes, I know, it sounds strange, even a bit kooky. But it's a celebration, really, of a good friend and a faithful God who were able to pull me out of the bad place in which I was trapped. This last year has been amazing!

During the last year…

During the last year of our lives, I have seen many incredible things. I saw an iconic southern city be submerged under 15 feet of water, before drying itself off and wooing away my favorite Purdue-alum quarterback from San Diego. I saw my local congressman, a former Top Gun flying ace and House big-wig, beconvicted and sent to prison on charges of massive bribery and corruption. And I saw the most wonderful woman imaginable sit down next to me during a class one Saturday morning. You’ve been reading about the rest of that one in this blog for ever since!

But what is most important for me today is that for the past year, since August 6th, 2005, I have NOT had a single drink.

I resist the urge to self-label myself as anything except a “sinner, saved by grace.” But suffice it to say, I had and have a problem with alcohol. Even as I got more involved in my church and religious study, I knew I had this secret weakness. To me, one drink was too often a quick pass-through to twelve. Inevitably, moral scruples, values, and standards would be discarded like so many empty beer cans after a party.

It’s humiliating to think back on my poor decisions and shameful actions. I can only take solace in the way our munificent God uses all things, even our bad things, to our good.

When I reflect on my times of alcohol-induced, high-risk behavior I am just amazed at the way God, with sovereignty, allowed me to look out far enough into the abyss and understand the peril I had gotten myself in, before drawing me back to safety.

It is such a small thing, really, to order tonic water with lemon instead of a vodka & tonic at the bar. It’s actually less money and calories, too! Most people don’t even recognize the difference when they see you with it.

But I know! I know that alcohol's destructive influence, which held sway over me for too many years, doesn’t any longer. Alcohol is fine for some. Most, even. But for me, I am much better off without.

I am not perfect and life is not without its challenges. But as I reflect back on my state of mind a year ago, sitting in the Denver airport and trying to comprehend the consequences of my actions during the bleary weekend that was, I just feel such a sense of triumph to have come so far from those depths of despair. I called my friend Terri at my lowest low last year. I was alone, upset, frustrated, and full of regret. Tomorrow, I'm going to Tucson to see Terri, with Kat at my side, and coming in such a better state of mind.

God is good! I hope you see Him in your life as I have! I'd love to tell you more~ Give me a call - 541-760-7060


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hadn't looked at your blog spot since we left for Blue Lake and really enjoyed catching up. I love the pic of you and Jerry with the sunset in the background. I am sure that was special for him, too.It took some courage to share your story about giving up alcohol, but I am sure glad you did. There is probably someone else out there with a similar problem.

Kathyrn is beautiful in front of the restaurant and her sweater matches the flowers in the background.
