Monday, August 07, 2006

Terri in Tucson

Brent says: Like I said in a previous post, we grabbed a last-minute flight on Southwest to stay for 24 hours in Tucson with our dear friend Terri Pipes. For me, it was a celebration of the 1-year anniversary of quitting drinking.

We got into Tucson early Sunday morning. "Early" quickly became the theme du jour.
2006-08-06 Tucson

The weather was amazingly mild. Clear and sunny, with temps in the low 90's, and a light-breeze. That's positively chilly for these desert cats. Anyways, after a little bit of time admiring the desert gardens outside the airport, Terri arrived and we were OFF!
2006-08-06 Tucson (1)

We went to church with Terri at her new church. Afterwards, we had lunch at this place called Tohono Chul. Its a desert botanical gardens, and there is a little restaurant and tea room in it that serves up a MEAN Bacon-Cheese-Guac omelette. I was lovin' it! Special props for the Prickly Pear lemonade, which looks positively otherworldly!

2006-08-06 Tucson (5)

2006-08-06 Tucson (6)

2006-08-06 Tucson (7)

After lunch, we drove out to Terri and Derek's "Casita" that they built until their big house is finished. They live on 8+ acres at the foot of Mount Lemon. Spectacular does not do justice to this location! It is amazing!

Now, as beautiful as the view is, there has to be a catch, right? Its the drive into the place. Not for the faint of heart!

2006-08-06 Tucson (12)
Terri at the start of a VERY rickety bridge over a wash

2006-08-06 Tucson (13)
Rush-hour traffic jam

At the house, we enjoyed spending quality time with Terri, Derek, her daughter Josie, and her grandson Gavin. We grilled out, talked, reminisced, and generally had a lovely time.

2006-08-06 Tucson (14)

It was really a great weekend! Short, but sweet. And with PLENTY of great memories!

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