Friday, August 11, 2006

This is gettin' serious

Brent Says: OK, we're not messing around about this wedding thing, anymore - We've gone to that infamous point of no return, now! Private Dance Lessons!!!
2006-08-10 Dance Lesson (1)
Kat, suitin' up

Scary, isn't it? Well, after doing PRETTY well during class these last 8 months, in which we learned Foxtrot, Swing, Cha-Cha, etc., we figured that we might as well go for the gusto and ask our instructor from class to help us figure out something cool for the wedding.

You be the judge at the wedding. I won't tell you exactly what we are doing, but know that our instructor, Sharon, worked us over pretty well!

2006-08-10 Dance Lesson (2)
Sharon and Kat in action (try to imagine me instead of Sharon...)

We had a great time! I know that we need to practice quite a bit, but its pretty cool to see how far we've come in a few months. We've gone from having "two-left feet" to at least "just one club foot"... We're on our way!

2006-08-10 Dance Lesson (6)
Gracefully "glowing" with Sharon after our lesson

1 comment:

luminainfinite said...

so cool...I am making a note to take private dance lessons before my wedding too...