Saturday, January 27, 2007

As days go by...

Life has been going along pretty well out here in SoCal. The temps are a little chillier but the sun still comes to visit (as we always remind those who we encourage to visit too!) - Kat and I have both been giving a lot of thought to schooling.

I have applied/interviewed/ day on campused at UCSD for their Rady School of Business. On Thursday, I went to a UCSD for their "MBA for a day" ~ Good stuff: Lots of access to the students, through student panels, lunch, and a happy hour. Not so good stuff: Very limited access to the faculty and staff. In fact, I had to "go off the reservation" and sneak into a class just to see what a class was like... Probably logistical challenges to blame I suppose...

2007-01-25 UCSD
My one photograph of UCSD's campus ~ The "Sun God" art piece, which is, in fact, a psychedelic chicken

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Kathryn is applying to a prestigious summer program at Woods Hole, MA, which is an idyllic little village on Cape Cod. No word for sure for awhile, and even getting the application in will be a huge effort. Still, it is really exciting to see her P.I. (Science-ease for 'Boss') be so supportive about her development.

We caught up with our friends John and Heidi for a lecture from Darrel Falk with a group called UCSD Graduate Christian Fellowship. Falk is a Biology professor at Point Loma Nazarene University. He gave a short talk about how he reconciles Evangelical Christianity with Evolutionary Biology. It was a very interesting presentation, and I loved hearing the types of questions that, say, a graduate student in socialogy would ask.

My take on Falk is that he reconciles science and evangelical faith by keeping his scientific standing solid, while sliding around his Christianity further into liberal territory to make the whole thing work... Still, his is a valiant effort to live a defendable life in both camps... Something that few are willing to do.

To close this evening of intellectual stimulation, we got coffee and Golden Spoon, and watched spoiled teenagers with designer purses climb on the soda display at Ralph's. However, Heidi did find that pig-themed chimney lighter that she has been searching for so dilligently!
2007-01-25 Heidi


Christopher Gillespie said...

This is typical of modern apologetics. I heard a presentation by a ELCA Lutheran at our annual Symposia who insisted that we (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) needed to give up Biblical inerrancy so that we could have reasonable discussions with Evolutionists ("an established scientific fact.")

I don't dispute the evidence. I can't give on God's Word either. God forbid I have to leave my reason at the door and leave something in tension! (tongue in cheek!) I'll be the first to admit I like everything neatly organized, compartmentalized, and perfectly systemized.

60 million years or 6 days... neither makes much sense!

Jen said...

Give up biblical inerrancy in order to facilitate conversation with people who don't believe in biblical inerrancy? This sounds ludicrous, regardless of what you think about the proposition of inerrancy itself; I mean, it's just illogical. My goodness, Lutherans :)

Anyway, I think I'm with you: I'm not so concerned if it's 60 million years or 6 days. But if I were a little more scientifically minded, maybe I would care more. The fact that God made it--no matter how long he chose for the process--is amazing enough to me.

CS Lewis says in _Reflections on the Psalms_ that however God chooses to do a thing, that must be the best way to do it, because he couldn't have done it any other way. So we can be sure that regardless of how much time we might retrospectively assign to the creation process, that was the best way for him to do it.