Sunday, June 18, 2006

How Nerdy Are You???

Brent says: Kat sent this around. Low scores are less nerdy, high scores are more - She is in the 40-50%'s. I'm at 23%. So far the spread we've found is between 2% top 59%, though that WAS a married couple!

Give it a shot and I am interested in what you score!!!

I am nerdier than 23% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!


Jen said...

I'm shocked that Kathryn didn't score higher. I was middle: 57% scored higher, 43% scored lower. The thing called me "somewhat nerdy" because I was indeed nerdier than half of test-takers. But come on, the test is skewed--I mean, are science geeks the only nerds out there? Anyway, I'm quite sure Strange will score higher than I did. Will let you know.

Brent said...

Yes, this is definitely a good example of the fact that all Nerds are not created equal.

If the pictures were of, say, TS Elliot and Robert Frost I am sure you would have done MUCH better!

*Grin* - I trust Strange will come through for y'all!

Jen said...

Sigh. Strange only scored a 32. He must have fudged on the answers. As for Eliot and Frost, you're right on--I can picture them already and don't need multiple choice to help :)