Thursday, June 08, 2006

Gnarls Barkley - Buy the single, not the album

Brent says: OK, usually I don't mess with music, but leave that to the far more capable, like my friend Jake -

But I downloaded the new Gnarls Barkley album, St. Elsewhere from my new (hopefully) legal download site,
I have to tell you that except for the song Crazy, which has, rightly so, gotten a lot of airplay, the rest of the album is disjointed and annoying. Its a cross between motown and rap that sounds kind of like one of those times when you are listening to the radio while driving, and get to the boundary point between two station's territories and they both play at the same time.

I've only listened to it once, but after hearing a song that seemed to be a remake of the 60's hit, "Monster Mash," I was ready to put it on one-song repeat for Crazy.

Brent's pic: Buy the single, dump the album. And check out for some cheap downloads (I think it might be run by the Russian mafia though, but I am still checking it out)

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