Tuesday, June 13, 2006

*Gasp* - allofmp3 is sketch!!!

Brent says: *Sigh* I've had this blog going for less than 2 weeks and already I have steared you, my nascent but faithful readership, down a path of vice and corruption.

You'd expect this from a mySpace, but this is Blogger for cryin' out loud!!!

What's this malfeasance you ask? A while back I mentioned in passing that I had "discovered" this great new site where you can download mp3 music for very cheap (ie, 10-20 cents per song, as opposed to 99 cents on iTunes)

From the "If it seems too good to be true files..." my alert friend John sent this from the NY Times

I'm not going to paste in the article here (without their expressed written consent) but will just summarize. Suffice it to say, the shadowy company that owns the allofmp3 site pays royalties to a Russian licensing body. That Russian licensing body has no relationship with the record companies nor provides any of the license fees collected to them.

Now, its hard to feel ALL that bad about the recording industry. They have after all given us such luminaries as Shug Knight and all.

But really, this is just highway robbery plain and clear. So I won't use their site anymore and the 11.63 remaining on my account will go (hopefully) to starving orphans in St. Petersburg... Ok, so it will undoubtedly go to someone's Dacha but it at least helps me sleep at night.

So now you know, and I can feel absolved for leading y’all astray. It won’t happen again… But have you heard of this new investment scheme…?


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