Sunday, October 22, 2006

Stanley Screamer

Brent says: It's Sunday Night and I am SOOOO happy to be home. Not that its bad to be away, or anything... It is just feels good to be in your own place, ya know?

Anyway, since a week ago Friday, Kat and I have been responsible for the health and wellbeing of one Ms. Maggie May Clark, Pug-Extraordinaire
2006-10 Maggie (4)

She really is about the cutest dog you could ever imagine ~ Unfortunately, I was in Colorado for work most of last week, and Kat was called in for Jury Duty... Uggh - More on that in a few moments.

Anyways, I was up in Estes Park, CO for a team offsite. I still don't know how my boss was able to pull this off, but we met at the historic Stanley Hotel for our semi-annual team offsite. The Stanley is this big, beautiful turn of the century hotel. The first day as we got there, it looked something like this
2006-10 Colorado (8)

It is also the hotel where Stephen King was inspired to write "The Shining" - Though it was not used in the filming of the uber-creepy 1980 version, it DID get its due in the 1996 miniseries. What it lacks in film credits it makes up for in creepiness. We took the "Ghost Tour" and heard about all the zany things that have happened over the years, and we also watched the Shining Movie at night on the snowy second evening. Oh yeah, failed to mention - This is what it looked like by day 3 AM.
2006-10 Colorado (26)

We got a good 8-12 inches of snow while I was up there. Any of you who know of the film, "The Shining," know that as the amount of snow increases, so does the SCARINESS! I had more than a little trouble sleeping up there, for sure!

Well, after the bumpy night, the following days were great. Snow hiking and elk watching made for a GREAT time! I got back on Thursday, just in time for Kat to pick up her huge Mid-Term, which she has worked on all weekend. All you praying types: Would appreciate a prayer for her test... She has worked so long and hard on it - I am really proud!

So that's the story in our little corner of the universe. Back in Cali where the temperature is steadily affixed on 80 degrees, and I am just wondering to myself why we don't get more visitors out here, especially as the weather in much of the rest of the country gets all nasty... Drop us a comment and let us know what's happening with you! Ciao

1 comment:

Jen said...

Too scary. I've never watched The Shining and never will. Nevertheless, if a business trip required my visiting its hotel, I would try to call in sick. Definitely no "Ghost Tour," anyway. But the snow is beautiful!