Saturday, October 28, 2006

I hear a little voice...

Yes, that little "ratta-tat-tapping" that I hear in my head, usually just before I drift off to sleep at night... That nagging, insistent little voice that says, "Psstt... Did you realize another day has gone by and you HAVEN'T updated your blog?"

ARRRGGGGHHH!!! Blogger Guilt! They definitely never told me about this when I signed up for the free blog account.

So here's a big ol' week in review post.

Last weekend, while Kat was madly working on her midterm (and I don't use "madly" lightly *grin*) I was mainly at a weekend seminar on John Calvin. Our church brought in a prof from Reformed Seminary in Jackson, Derek Thomas. The seminar was on the life and theology of John Calvin, who you have to admit was really QUITE brilliant and a major force in the Protestant Reformation, even if you aren't totally crazy about 5-point Calvinism.

So then this past week has been pretty chill. Kat managed to avoid getting picked for the Jury Pool of the case that she had been called for... 6 days of going downtown for her Jury Summons, 40+ hours of sitting and listening to jurors being interrogated, and she said about 6 words total before getting thanked for her willingness to serve, but being sent home... Justice does need to be served, but my goodness, it IS a lengthy process.

The highlight of my week had to have been my first dabbling in Corporate Catering...
2006-10 Waffles (2)

Better translated, "I took in the waffle iron my group gave us as a wedding present and made waffles for everybody." Stellar success, though, just look at my buddy Rex with me. Does he look satisfied or what? Actually, he looks a little high... I swear, those waffles were CLEAN!

Anyways, it's been a lazy Saturday. I've been working on some stuff for Church for most of it, while Kat had errands and the like... I did, however, experience a first for me... Snorkeling at La Jolla Cove.. I can't believe I live in a town where you can just go snorkeling on a whim... I'm a long ways from Indiana, for sure! But its not the same as Hawaii... Sigh... Ciao!


luminainfinite said...

Waffles are are fun...great how does Calvin fit in there?! Ha ha...
I had another run-in with a Calvinist here in Korea just taxi-driver...took the time to explain to me..."Mormons bad". Ha ha, what's with moving vehicles and Calvinism? I was happy to have some background on where he was coming from though. Thank you Brent!

Anonymous said...

I am glad Kath did not get picked for jury duty and I am glad you had a good trip to Colorado.The waffles look great! Your lives are sure full of activity. Have a more relaxing week!
Love Mom (Thompson)