Saturday, October 07, 2006


Brent says: News flash - Couple eats multiple pounds of cheese, reports lactose-driven hallucinations... Film at 11.

So my friends Gordon and Lis had this idea. Why not take the tried and true "Wine and Cheese" party, where people get all snobby about the wine and eat the cheese as an afterthought, and flip it on its head. They created a "CHEESE PARTY," where exotic cheeses are at the forefront, and the wine is what you sip to give your palate a rinse before diving into the next decadent bit of heaven.

Its actually really fun, though killer for dieters and people like me who try to avoid dairy. Kat and I really did do a decent job of enjoying it in moderation. Lots of fun people to see and meet, too.
2006-10-7 CheeseParty
John and Heidi, Sean and Shawna, Brent

We definitely had JUST the right amount of cheese ~ Wanna throw a cheese party? Check out Gord's website - - B -

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