Sunday, February 03, 2008

3 - 0 - FORE!!!

It's Monday, February 3rd, and I am just enjoying the last few hours of my 20's... It's quite a strange feeling to be entering a new decade, though I am hoping that there might be some clause like the whole millenium/Y2K thing that would give me an extra year of grace. No such luck, I think!

So far, my birthday season has been superb. Kat asked me for what I wanted to do to celebrate, and did all this research about exciting, culturally relevant activities that we could do... and I said, "Let's take a golf lesson together..."

She has only gone to the range a few times, and I LOOK like I have only gone a few times. But under the expert care of my ever-encouraging pro, Brian, he had us BOTH hitting for the fences in no time. Kat especially was amazing. Glad to see 13 years and thousands of softball swings paying off!

So tomorrow I bravely emark on a new decade of living. Who knows what will happen in my next 30 years.


Jen said...

Happy Birthday, Brent! Welcome to the 30s. They ain't so bad :)

Micah said...

Happy belated 30th. We've found a few things interesting, though not bad about 30.

Well, first, you're older and it's okay to act your age. That means fatigue and stiffness are closer to normality than ever before. We found that a simple screen for this problem is children. We can't actually verify that our age is killing us, but we do know that we our child isn't helping.

(It could be that appreciation of your child is inversely proportional to your ability to physically keep up with them, though we haven't fully tested this.)

Also, Jen and I have both found a renewed interest in reading at 30. We've always liked reading but never have had an appropriate combination of discipline and time. Now, it seems that little is as pleasurable as sitting back and reading.

Whatever you do this year, enjoy it.