Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First day of School

So I had my first day of Orientation today for B-school... Kat took a picture of me when I realized that I looked like the Uber-prep with my coffee mug, paper, multiple bookbags, etc.

2007-09-12 Preppy

The cheezy grin completes it... Still, this is a far cry from my first day of kindergarten, which I remember because it was so traumatic. I wanted my breath to be really fresh, so I used way too much toothpaste, swallowed a bit of it, then went outside to play on the jungle gym at my house... and threw up. Why do we only remember the bad things? Hmmmm...

So relatively speaking, today was awesome! *grin*


Micah said...

first days for me have always been extremely nervous, no matter how many times i've been. being that i've been to 11 schools (4 elem, 2 jr, 2 high, 3 college) you'd think i would have gotten used to it. in fact, then only bad experience was the first day in 8th grade at a new school when my dad dropped me off and my sister (first day in kindergarten) wanted to get out as well. so then we're taking a picture in front of the school as i'm being heckled as a 6th grader (my diminutive frame didn't help).

Brent said...

So thankfully I wasn't being heckled as we took this picture...

luminainfinite said...

sorry it's been so long since I read that I really didn't get that you are back in business school!

Go get em uber-prep B!