Saturday, June 03, 2006

John and Brooke's Wedding In Indy

Indianapolis - Memorial Day Weekend - Whose doing anything in town except going to weddings, right? OK - The 500 played second fiddle to John and Brooke this weekend -

The wedding was at Christ Church Episcopal on the circle -

The reception was at the Rathskellar, this ancient German castle of a bar and restaurant. Very choice location.

My mom nearly killed me doing the Polka - She was a woman possessed. I'm not lying!

Kat and I were much less aggressive in our dancing feats, but looking pretty devious nonetheless


Jen said...

Looking fab on the dance floor, Applegates-to-be. Strange and I aren't going to have to do that at your wedding, are we? Gosh, we're terrible dancers.

Jen said...

PS I just remembered my first polka--on a boat floating the Rhine. Or maybe the Mainz. Anyway, I was 18 or 19 and my dad insisted that we make a go of the polka; he about killed me too :)

Brent said...

Dancing... Every time I do it I feel like Lloyd Bridges in Airplane when he says, "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop "drinking", "sniffing glue>", etc.

We're taking Ballroom dances soon - More hilarious pictures guaranteed!!!


Jennifer Zeisler said...

Ohhhh, the Rathskellar, you were in my old territory! I love Mass Ave!

Loved the pictures!