Saturday, June 03, 2006

It sure beats working... 2 days at WAP

I've got to give credit where credit is due - HP did all right for me in May

In the course of a week, I had a team offsite (translate - Lofty talk and lots of doughnuts) and not one, but TWO days at the Wild Animal Park, north of San Diego. It was so sweet! Both days we got to do the "Photo Caravan" deal where you get to feed the animals - Its an expensive little deal, but WAY worth it for the experience.

You really haven't lived until you've fed a Rhino - They don't really have sharp teeth, just grinders in the back, so you can feel their soft upper lip and stuff... Just not too much or they knock over the truck

Giraffes have the most sensitive looking eyes imaginable. You can't pet them, just feed leaves, and it is SOOOO hard to resist

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