Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oxbridge Here I Come!

This is going to be an INCREDIBLE summer. Brent and I are going to Boston for a week over the 4th of July, and then I'll do research for a couple of weeks at Woods Hole. Then I'll fly to England, where I will attend Oxbridge 2008. This conference is going to be amazing! I am looking forward to seeing C.S. Lewis's home, The Kilns, and seeing terrific speakers like John Polkinghorne and Francis Collins. They have a Science & Theology symposium which is exactly aligned with my interests. Sigh...to make things even more incredible, my super-nice boss is paying for the airfare, while the Foundation has awarded a tuition grant. I'm only responsible for the Room & Board!!!

Check out the ad on YouTube when you get a moment!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Kathryn! Congratulations! I'm jealous of all the fun travel spots. What a great time for you to learn and have fun. What a blessing to receive the funds as well!

Christopher Gillespie said...

I'm jealous. Godspeed!

Micah said...

very nice. boston is my favorite american city, though oxbridge should delight more