Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Favorite Snack

I recently discovered Pop-Secret's 100-kcal bag of microwave popcorn. The kettle corn variety is the perfect afternoon snack, even though the popping sound and the occasional burnt-popcorn smell must be distracting to my labmates. (After many repetitions, I have found that popcorn left unattended ALWAYS burns, even if you cook it for less time than it usually takes when you're standing there watching it.) The main other disadvantage* to this snack, besides distracting others, is two fold: a) it is harder to type with one hand, since the other hand remains busy transporting light and fluffy kernels from bag to face, and b) the real and perceived gross-ness factor about touching your keyboard after consuming. Nevertheless, these detractors are easily dismissed when compared to guilt-free tastiness factor.

I would like to contrast this variety of popcorn with some recent info about movie popcorn found in the Hungry Girl column on weightwatchers.com:

"If you're used to popcorn being a better-for-you option, you'll probably fall out of your chair when you find out the stats on the movie theater version. A large size with butter packs in around 1500 calories and 130 grams of fat. That's a POINTS® value around 40 and almost two days worth of POINTS values for many people—ouch! Opt for the smallest one, leave off the butter and it'll still set you back around 500 calories and 25 grams of fat (POINTS value around 11). It doesn't seem worth it at all...So sneak in some microwave-popped bags—or just chomp on it at home, because movie theater popcorn + you = larger pants (sad, but likely true)."

Whoa. For those of you unfamiliar with the Points program at WW, I get 24 points a day, where the 100-kcal pack of Pop-Secret kettle corn is 2 points. Don't say I didn't warn you!

* A lesser-known but serious side-effect from eating too much popcorn is Popcorn Lung disease.

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