Sunday, March 09, 2008

The trip that... wasn't

This past weekend we were supposed to travel to Ohio and meet our new little nephew, along with his parents, my sister and brother-in-law, and my parents. We had flights booked, hotel rooms reserved, rides arranged, all set to go...

And then good old-fashioned Midwestern winter showed up, and we were once again reminded of the fact that we may choose our paths, but the Lord determines our steps.

In this case, he chose to send a huge blizzard to not only Cleveland, but Dallas as well. Now, I am wagering that to people living in a huge swath of the country, this is not exactly breaking news... But to Californians, the thought that weather could interfere with plans? Huh?

We attempted to make the best of it... Bags packed, work taken care of, mail stopped... We did the next best thing: Head up to Palm Springs! Land of sun, octogenarians in big caddies, and more restaurants than you would shake a stick at.

2008-03 Palm Springs (2)

2008-03 Palm Springs (5)

2008-03 Palm Springs (9)

So while certainly better than being stranded in O'Hare or DFW, we missed our family tremendously. Hopefully we can reschedule soon... Or maybe, THEY would want to come out to Palm Springs....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, no parents or new nephew . . . but you did get to see lovely Palm Springs. It's almost a fair trade :)