Friday, June 29, 2007

The Jury is... coming about

I've been fulfilling my civic duties this week ~ That is, I have my 2nd day of jury duty this week. It is really hard to complain about this one, lone thing that Americans have to do. Especially when you consider other countries that have requirements about mandatory military service, size of family, and more...

But it is exposure to a world that I so often just forget exists. I'm waiting to see if I will be selected for a criminal/civil hybrid case. As a result, they've been asking all the jurors if they have ever been the victims of certain types of crime. It's just astounding to hear what people have been through!

I find that more than anything else, I am struck by my need to pray more thankfully that God has blessed Kat and I with such a peaceful life thus far, and to remember what we are being protected from each day that we are given...

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